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Therapeutic Day Treatment programs that keep youth supported in school, after school and through the summer.


Is a child age 5-17 you know…

Experiencing emotional or behavioral issues

Finding it difficult to cope with the pressures and expectations of school

Behaving in ways that interfere with both their success and the success of other students in school

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Our Program Here!

Our therapeutic day treatment programs in the Richmond, Hopewell, Petersburg, Chesterfield and Caroline County VA areas use evidence based practices that keep youth supported in their school and during the summer months with structured opportunities to grow and to learn new skills. We provide interventions and therapeutic programming in an after school and in school setting that is designed to successfully address a child’s mental, emotional, and behavioral health issues that may be creating a barrier to learning. Typically, we collaborate with the school, family, and other providers for collaborative meetings, family sessions, and other events as needed to ensure our wraparound service approach.

If you're ready for a change, and want real results, we're ready to help.


TDT School Based Benefits

Helps improve behaviors in school and provides an advocate for youth in school

Increased attendance in school and academic performance

Helps maintain youth in school and avoid repeated suspension, expulsion or alternative school placement


TDT After School Benefits

Youth are engaged in pro-social group and pro-social life skill building activities

Youth are encouraged to positively engage with peers

Youth are supported academically, socially, and emotionally in an afterschool setting


TDT Summer Program Benefits

Youth are in a safe environment Monday-Friday, 10-3p, with 2 meals and snack

Experiential learning opportunities given, including entrepreneurship program

Innovative programming that builds youth’s hard and soft skills

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